Monday, 24 June 2013

Earn With Infolinks

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Earn With

Infolinks , a digital advertising platform with a rather extensive history on the 'Net, has released a new suite of real-time, intent-based advertising products dubbed In3 (which stands for Infolinks, Intent and Intelligence). The set of ad units, according to Infolinks, appear in "unexpected but sensible spots on the page".

InSearch: An overlay that appears when vistors arrive via a search engine. The unit features messaging relevant to the users query and dissappars after a few seconds, shrinking to a headline sized ad.

InTag: A tag cloud of keywords (more of a linear listing really) relevant to the content, which when clicked, pops up a window leading to advertising.

InText: In-line text advertising that has been the staple of Infolink product line for years.

"Online display advertising is fundamentally broken," says Dave Zinman, InfoLinks new chief executive officer ( and the former GM of Display at Yahoo! ). "Site visitors rarely notice ads, there are too many and most are irrelevant. Engagement metrics are down. Banner blindness is killing the golden goose. This is the reason I've joined Infolinks. The In3 platform was developed expressly to deliver high-performing, creative solutions. In fact, Infolinks ads have been shown to deliver 30 times the engagement rate of standard IAB units."
30 times the engagement rate is quite the draw, but let's take a closer look at the formats to see if this is the hope we need or the hype we don't:

InFrame:  Monetizes unused screen margins, framing site layouts with display banner ads. The In3 platform auto-detects when the browser window is wider than the website and inserts display ads that remain stationary as users scroll down the page. 

Most Important Info to Read-
As I told you, I am going to tell you the most important fact for using Infolinks for non techie guys, because for these all formats ads you don't need to put ads codes to different places, just you need to add code to any place in your blog, your ads will be shown in your blog.

Little setting you need to do in your Infolinks account, just go to customize sections on your Infolinks account to customize your ads and also how many ads products you want to use in your blog. You will automatically understand, what you need to do, because it's too simple to use, if not then ask me here, I will definitely write another blog post on this topic.

Now the best thing I am going to share with you, that is how much really you will earn from Infolinks alone and how much my highest earning from Infolinks.

Well my highest eCMP from Infolinks for my this blog is $7.29, but not all days, more interesting is I have seen many people even earning more than $17 per eCPM, I am just working hard to break this much limit even. 

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